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Publications 2004

Articoli su riviste

  1. D. Prattichizzo, B. la Torre, F. Barbagli, A. Vicino, F.M. Severi, F. Petraglia. The FeTouch Project: an application of haptic technologies to obstetrics and gynaecology. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. John Wiley & Sons, 1(1):1-5, 2004. details pdf
  2. F. Severi, D. Prattichizzo, F. Barbagli E. Casarosa, C. Ferretti, A. Altomare, A. Vicino, F. Petraglia. Virtual fetal touch through a haptic interface decreases maternal anxiety and salivary cortisol. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 12(1):37-40, 2004. details pdf
  3. G. Chesi, K. Hashimoto, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Keeping features in the field of view in eye-in-hand visual servoing: a switching approach. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 20(5):908-913, Octobre 2004. details pdf
  4. M. Casini, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. The automatic control telelab. IEEE Control System Magazine, 24(3):36-44, Juin 2004. details pdf

Conferenze internazionali

  1. F. Carusi, M. Casini, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Distance learning in robotics and automation by remote control of LEGO mobile robots. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Pages 1820-1825, New Orleans, USA, 2004. details pdf
  2. M. de Pascale, G. de Pascale, D. Prattichizzo. Haptic and Graphic Rendering of Deformable Objects. In Proc. of IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Pages 267-270, 2004. details pdf
  3. M. de Pascale, G. de Pascale, D. Prattichizzo. A GPU-friendly Algorithm for Haptic and Graphic Rendering of Pointlike Local Deformations. In Proc. of Int. Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping, 2004. details
  4. M. de Pascale, G. de Pascale, D. Prattichizzo, F. Barbagli. The Haptik Library - a Component based Architecture for Haptic Devices Access. In Proc. of EuroHaptics, Munich, Germany, 2004. details
  5. M. de Pascale, G. de Pascale, D. Prattichizzo, F. Barbagli. A new method for haptic GPU rendering of deformable objects. In Proc. of EuroHaptics, Munich, Germany, 2004. details
  6. G.L. Mariottini, D. Prattichizzo. Epipolar geometry estimation for contour-based visual servoing. In 10th International Symposium on Robotics and Applications ISORA 2004, Invited paper, Volume 15, Pages 529-534, Seville, Spain, 2004. details pdf
  7. D. Prattichizzo, G. Marro, L. Ntogramatzidis. A Straightforward Approach to the Cheap LQ Problem for Continuous-Time Systems in Geometric Terms. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, Pages 2262-2266, Bahamas, 2004. details pdf
  8. J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, N.J. Cowan. Auto-epipolar visual servoing. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, Pages 363-368, Octobre 2004. details pdf
  9. M. Casini, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Remote Control of a Lego Mobile Robot through the Web. In Preprints 2nd IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Grenoble, France, Septembre 2004. details
  10. G.L. Mariottini, D. Prattichizzo, G. Oriolo. Epipole-based visual servoing for nonholonomic mobile robots. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Pages 497-503, New Orleans, U.S.A, Avril 2004. details ppt

Tesi Magistrali

  1. L. Bechi. Coregistrazione di ElettroEncefaloGrafia e Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica: rimozione del segnale cerebrale degli artefatti TMS-indotti. Thèse de master Univerità di Siena, 2004. details
  2. F. Bidounga. Tecniche di esplorazione delle funzioni sensori-motorie della mano. Thèse de master Univerità di Siena, 2004. details
  3. V. Borrelli. LiGHI - Linear Grip Haptic Interface: un'interfaccia aptica a due punti di contatto. Thèse de master Univerità di Siena, 2004. details
  4. A. Formaglio. Interfacce aptiche mobili con workspace illimitato. Thèse de master Università di Siena, 2004. details
  5. G. Manciulli. Pianificazione dinamiche di traiettorie sicure per robot mobili in ambienti non strutturati. Thèse de master Univerità di Siena, 2004. details
  6. R. Mugnaini. Rendering tridimensionale visio-tattile di scenari di vaste dimensioni. Thèse de master Università di Siena, 2004. details
  7. A. Varvaro. Collision avoidance and safety per interfacce aptiche mobili. Thèse de master Università di Siena, 2004. details

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