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Publications 2002

Articoli su riviste

  1. A. Caiti, A. Garulli, F. Livide, D. Prattichizzo. Set-membership acoustic tracking of autonomous underwater vehicles. The Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) Acta Acustica, 88(5):648-652, 2002. details pdf
  2. G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. H2 optimal decoupling of previewed signals in the discrete-time case. Kybernetika, 38(4):479-492, 2002. details pdf
  3. D. Prattichizzo, D. Borrelli, F. Barbagli. Supervisory Switching Strategy in Motion/Force Control of Robotic Manipulation. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 9(4):587-602, 2002. details pdf
  4. P. Mercorelli, P. Terwiesch, D. Prattichizzo. Detection and classification of harmonic transients by using trigonometric smooth wavelet-packets. at-Automatisierungstechnik Oldenbourg Verlag, 50(11):541-549, Novembre 2002. details pdf
  5. G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. Convolution profiles for right inversion of multi-variable non-minimum phase discrete-time systems. Automatica, 38(10):1695-1703, Octobre 2002. details pdf
  6. G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. Geometric insight into discrete-time cheap and singular linear quadratic Riccati (LQR) problems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 47(1):102-107, Janvier 2002. details pdf

Articles de journaux nationaux

  1. M. Casini, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Automatic Control Telelab: un Laboratorio Remoto per l'Ingegneria dei Controlli. BIAS Automazione e Strumentazione, 4:142-145, Avril 2002. details pdf

Capitoli di libri

  1. P. Mercorelli, P. Terwiesch, D. Prattichizzo. Locomotive drive control by using Haar Wavelets Packets. In Booklet on MTNS Open Problems on the Mathematical Theory of Systems, V.D. Blondel, A. Megretski (eds.), MTNS, Août 2002. details

Conferenze internazionali

  1. A. Caiti, A. Garulli, F. Livide, D. Prattichizzo. Acoustic tracking of autonomous underwater vehicles by a set-membership approach. In Proc. of IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. details
  2. G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. H2 Optimal decoupling FIRs. In Proc. of IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. details
  3. F. Barbagli, D. Prattichizzo, K. Salisbury. Multirate Analysis of Haptic Interaction Stability with Deformable Objects. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, Pages 917-922, Las Vegas, USA, Décembre 2002. details pdf
  4. A. Marotta, J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Epipole-based 3D visual servoing. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, Octobre 2002. details pdf
  5. D. Prattichizzo, A. Bicchi. Manipulation by mechanisms with general kinematics. In Tutorial: Towards Intelligent Robotic Manipulation, in IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Invited Paper, Lausanne, Switzerland, Octobre 2002. details
  6. G. Chesi, K. Hashimoto, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Keeping features in the camera's field of view: a Visual servoing strategy. In Proc. of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Notre Dame, Indiana, Août 2002. details pdf
  7. G. Chesi, J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Epipole-based visual servoing using profiles. In Proc. IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, Juillet 2002. details pdf
  8. A. Caiti, A. Garulli, F. Livide, D. Prattichizzo. Set-Membership localization and tracking of AUV. In Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2002), Cracovia, Poland, Juin 2002. details pdf

Tesi Magistrali

  1. B. la Torre. Rendering visio-aptico di volumi ecografici. Thèse de master Università di Siena, 2002. details

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