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Publications 2002
Articoli su riviste
- A. Caiti, A. Garulli, F. Livide, D. Prattichizzo. Set-membership acoustic tracking of autonomous underwater vehicles. The Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) Acta Acustica, 88(5):648-652, 2002.
- G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. H2 optimal decoupling of previewed signals in the discrete-time case. Kybernetika, 38(4):479-492, 2002.
- D. Prattichizzo, D. Borrelli, F. Barbagli. Supervisory Switching Strategy in Motion/Force Control of Robotic Manipulation. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 9(4):587-602, 2002.
- P. Mercorelli, P. Terwiesch, D. Prattichizzo. Detection and classification of harmonic transients by using trigonometric smooth wavelet-packets. at-Automatisierungstechnik Oldenbourg Verlag, 50(11):541-549, Novembre 2002.
- G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. Convolution profiles for right inversion of multi-variable non-minimum phase discrete-time systems. Automatica, 38(10):1695-1703, Octobre 2002.
- G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. Geometric insight into discrete-time cheap and singular linear quadratic Riccati (LQR) problems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 47(1):102-107, Janvier 2002.
Articles de journaux nationaux
- M. Casini, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Automatic Control Telelab: un Laboratorio Remoto per l'Ingegneria dei Controlli. BIAS Automazione e Strumentazione, 4:142-145, Avril 2002.
Capitoli di libri
- P. Mercorelli, P. Terwiesch, D. Prattichizzo. Locomotive drive control by using Haar Wavelets Packets. In Booklet on MTNS Open Problems on the Mathematical Theory of Systems, V.D. Blondel, A. Megretski (eds.), MTNS, Août 2002.
Conferenze internazionali
- A. Caiti, A. Garulli, F. Livide, D. Prattichizzo. Acoustic tracking of autonomous underwater vehicles by a set-membership approach. In Proc. of IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
- G. Marro, D. Prattichizzo, E. Zattoni. H2 Optimal decoupling FIRs. In Proc. of IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
- F. Barbagli, D. Prattichizzo, K. Salisbury. Multirate Analysis of Haptic Interaction Stability with Deformable Objects. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, Pages 917-922, Las Vegas, USA, Décembre 2002.
- A. Marotta, J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Epipole-based 3D visual servoing. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, Octobre 2002.
- D. Prattichizzo, A. Bicchi. Manipulation by mechanisms with general kinematics. In Tutorial: Towards Intelligent Robotic Manipulation, in IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Invited Paper, Lausanne, Switzerland, Octobre 2002.
- G. Chesi, K. Hashimoto, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Keeping features in the camera's field of view: a Visual servoing strategy. In Proc. of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Notre Dame, Indiana, Août 2002.
- G. Chesi, J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino. Epipole-based visual servoing using profiles. In Proc. IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, Juillet 2002.
- A. Caiti, A. Garulli, F. Livide, D. Prattichizzo. Set-Membership localization and tracking of AUV. In Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2002), Cracovia, Poland, Juin 2002.
Tesi Magistrali
- B. la Torre. Rendering visio-aptico di volumi ecografici. Thèse de master Università di Siena, 2002.
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