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C. Pacchierotti, S. Sinclair, M. Solazzi, A. Frisoli, V. Hayward, D. Prattichizzo. Wearable haptic systems for the fingertip and the hand: taxonomy, review, and perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 10(4):580-600, 2017.

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Domenico Prattichizzo

Référence BibTex

   Author = {Pacchierotti, C. and Sinclair, S. and Solazzi, M. and Frisoli, A. and Hayward, V. and Prattichizzo, D.},
   Title = {Wearable haptic systems for the fingertip and the hand: taxonomy, review, and perspectives},
   Journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Haptics}},
   Volume = {10},
   Number = {4},
   Pages = {580--600},
   Year = {2017}

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