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K. Minamizawa, D. Prattichizzo, S. Tachi. Simplified Design of Haptic Display by Extending One-point Kinesthetic Feedback to Multipoint Tactile Feedback. In IEEE Haptic Symposium, [Video Link], Pages 257-260, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, 2010.

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For designing a simple and more realistic haptic feedback system, we propose integrating an underactuated mechanism with one- point kinesthetic feedback from the arm with multipoint tactile feedback. By focusing on the division of roles between the cutaneous sensation in fingers and the proprioception in the arm. We have implemented a prototype system that provides kinesthetic feedback to the arm and tactile feedback to the fingers, examined the difference of weight recognition according to the applied point of kinesthetic feedback, and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method


Domenico Prattichizzo

Référence BibTex

   Author = {Minamizawa, K. and Prattichizzo, D. and Tachi, S.},
   Title = {Simplified Design of Haptic Display by Extending One-point Kinesthetic Feedback to Multipoint Tactile Feedback},
   BookTitle = {IEEE Haptic Symposium},
   Pages = {257--260},
   Address = {Waltham, Massachusetts, USA},
   Year = {2010}

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