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Medical Application
Articles de journaux nationaux
- D. Prattichizzo, C. Pacchierotti. WEARHAP: sistemi robotici indossabili per uomini e robot. E-Health magazine, Issue 26, Septembre 2013.
Conferenze internazionali
- G. Pompili, T. Lisini Baldi, D. Barcelli, D. Prattichizzo. Development of a low-cost glove for thumb rehabilitation: design and evaluation. In 1st IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS 2020), To Appear, Rome, Italy, Avril 2020.
- C. Gaudeni, D. Prattichizzo. A Mathematical Model of the Pneumatic Force Sensor for Robot-assisted Surgery. In IEEE World Haptics Conference 2019, Pages 598-603, Tokyo, Japan, Juillet 2019.
- C. Gaudeni, L. Meli, D. Prattichizzo. A Novel Pneumatic Force Sensor for Robot-Assisted Surgery. In EuroHaptics 2018: Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications, Volume 10894, Pages 587-599, Pisa, Italy, Juin 2018.
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