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Articoli su riviste

  1. M. M. Ghazaei Ardakani, J. Bimbo, D. Prattichizzo. Quasi-static analysis of planar sliding using friction patches. The International Journal of Robotics Research, (0):1-21, 2020. details doi
  2. A. Bicchi, D. Prattichizzo. Manipulability of cooperating robots with unactuated joints and closed-chain mechanisms. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 16(4):336-345, Août 2000. details pdf
  3. D. Prattichizzo, A. Bicchi. Dynamic analysis of mobility and graspability of general manipulation systems. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 14(2):241-258, Avril 1998. details pdf

Conferenze internazionali

  1. S. Music, D. Prattichizzo, S. Hirche. Human-Robot Interaction through Fingertip Haptic Devices for Cooperative Manipulation Tasks. In The 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2019), Pages 1-7, New Delhi, India, Octobre 2019. details doi

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